DFDS for Animalia

Agata Spławska
organizator skarbonki

We would like to help local Foundation Animalia with taking care about homeless cats and dogs from Poznań!

This organization has now 86 cats and 19 dogs under care. These all animals are looking for their homes and their people forever! :)

Some of them are during cost-intensive treatment or waiting for surgery. Some of them are chronically sick so they need to take medicines for the rest of their life.

Foundation provide them with food, necessary stuff,  veterinary care and temporary, safe place to live. All people who works for Animalia are 100% volunteers. All of them take care about these cats & dogs in their free time. 

If you want to donate to help Animalia help cats & dogs, we will really appreciate your generosity!

Agata Spławska


10 zł

Anonymer Helfer

100 zł

Anonymer Helfer

10 zł

Anonymer Helfer

100 zł

Anonymer Helfer

50 zł


50 zł

Anonymer Helfer

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