Help abandoned dogs to survive winter

Maria Szlachciak
organizator skarbonki

Dear ROCKWOOL GBS Colleagues,

we collect money for renovation of a house in which Mr. Zbigniew organized a place for abandoned dogs - this is a temporary house before thay are adopted.

He takes care of dogs which were hurt by people, are sick or just unwated. This is a registered foundation called: Fundacja Krzykosiaki Psy w Potrzebie.

Let's help him create a place in which the dogs will be safe!

CSR Team


100 zł


50 zł

Anonimowy Pomagacz

100 zł

Anonimowa Pomagaczka

15 zł

Anonimowy Pomagacz

Darowizny trafiają bezpośrednio na zbiórkę charytatywną:
725 zł Wsparło 16 osób CEL: 5 000 ZŁ